Activate Your Leadership Compass

As a speaker, Karen has empowered thousands of educators from over 500 institutions around the world with practical wisdom, inspiration and leadership tools.

Ready to help your team flourish?

I teach the Practical Wisdom Framework™(PWF), a disciplined approach to decision-making, a proven four step model that equips leaders and their teams to navigate challenges with practical wisdom.

Every dimension of my work is designed to help you activate your leadership compass. The PWF is a game changer for those committed to shaping formative institutions aimed at flourishing and high performance.

To learn more about workshops, presentations, and consultation in person or online, see our Offerings and click on the Learn More and Apply button.

Learn to:

See every challenge as an opportunity to promote character, flourishing, and high performance in your school community.

Put people and their flourishing at the heart of all you do.

Leverage your organization’s distinctive value proposition with every decision you make.

Apply research based practices.

Navigate challenges in ways that build shared ownership and buy in.

Sign up with your team for our Executive Education Program: Practical Wisdom for Agile Leadership: The Core DNA of Educating for Flourishing.

Some organizations we have worked with include: